My name is Centauri Adams and I enjoy the entertainment arts: writing, drawing, painting, photography, and film. I was born in Chicago Illinois, raised in Madison Wisconsin, and earned my Graphic Design Bachelor of Arts Degree from Mount Mercy University.
From this personal website you can link to random short stories and poems I have posted on Booksie or WordPress, take a gander at novels and graphic novels I enjoy via GoodReads, browse my YouTube channel, see that I have no idea how to use Pinterest, check out my awesome randomness on Twitter, and gaze at artwork that I have created over the years.
I am taking each chapter of my life a page at a time. I work to not take a path already created, but rather, learn from all those who have come before me and then forge an impressive new trail into the future. Okay, maybe it will just be a calming-by-the-creek pathway, but either way, it will be of my design.
And I want to share my journey with the world.
This personal website is only a glimpse of who I am.